here we go (again)....

Well- it's better not to read news these days...
I am sick to the stomach. I do not usually write about those things here. I prefer to write about our creative projects, about family life and the happy sides of life...
Not about war and hate and fear and helplessness.
I do often think about those people in Syria. After all- they are only a few kilometes away. To Damaskus it's around 140 kilometres (around 88 miles)- to the border less.
After hearing of the gas attak last week I felt really disgusted, sad, horrified and afraid...
After hearing the threats from Assad and Iran- that they will attak Israel should the USA attak Syria- well I am a short distance from panic.

Life goes on as normal here. Neomi had her first school-day yesterday and the 1-class-ceremony today. It was strange. Is she already already that big? She is very eager to learn :-)
And other than this life seems to go on as usual. I guess it is the many years people already live with all kinds of threats and wars like this. They don't panic easily. They shut their eyes and tell themselfs that everything will be okay... Well- I very much hope, I pray, that we won't be dragged into a war and that the situation in this part of the world will calm down for everyone very fast. After all- what do we allwant? What do we simple people want- no matter on which side we live? To have a job, to have a place to live, to rais our kids in peace and see them grow, to just live.


Preets said…
It's strange and sad to come here and read this :-( . Just last week we tried your body painting and my daughter loved it. I will be thinking of you and your family, and of course of Syria too, and hoping hard that there won't be a war. What you say is so true -- the vast majority of ordinary people just want to live in peace and carry on with their lives, no matter what labels politicians and governments and the media slap on them. Israelis, Palestinians, Zionists, Muslims -- in the end, I think you can pick a mother from any of these groups and she wants the same things for her children. She wants them to have peace, a proper breakfast, a good education, a warm bed at night.
vervlogen dagen said…
I feel for you and your family. I cannot imaginair how it is to live with such fear. To think about the good things in life is probably the only remedy against the fear.

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