A few weeks ago I bought 2 kilos of locally produced honey. We have two guys in our community that started to keep bees and this year was the first year with honey.
For a long time I wanted to make a bee hotel for our garden. Last week we finally went down to the wadi to collect some reeds.
My husband made a simple box from pallet-wood and we drilled some holes in branches. The whole thing is not finished yet.
With the girls I made some bees from toilet-paper rolls. We painted the rolls, fixed some antennas and glued some eyes. The wings we made from a cardboard frame and foil. The bees are "flying" around the girls rooms now and Yotam got the one I made.
das sind ja tolle Bienen :-)
Deine Mädels sind tolle Basteltanten ;-)
Ich wünsch euch für euer Insektenhotel viel Erfolg. Unsere Röhrchen und Zapfen haben irgendwelche Vögel immer wieder aus dem Kasten gezogen. Das war wie ein Büffet für sie :-(
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Bayern
P.S.: Ist es bei euch wirklich wieder ganz friedlich?
Die Bienchen sind süß. Viele liebe Grüße