play-dough and a birthday present
After a long time we made play-dough again. The batch of store-bought dough dried out. We made our own from conditioner and cornstarch- soft and nice smelling :-)
Add some beads, pipe cleaners, plastic eyes and the kids are busy.
The 4th birthday of our youngest is getting closer. If you ask him, waht he wants he will tell you all sorts of things like "a box of screws", "a wood plane, like Aba has" (woodworking tool, not the flying thing), nails, toolbox (he has already 3)...
He's so much into drilling, sawing, hammering etc. Actually he's like this already for over 2 years.
Well- but he also likes superheroes (where does that come from?), knights, swords, dinosaurs and dragons and the like. That's why I made a super-hero mask for him from felt. If I will have time, I will also sew a superhero-cape.