
It is cold and grey here in Switzerland. Not much of a surprise...
After more than a week I am finally feeling better and I also have my voice back.
Despite the cold there are already some flowers in my parents garden. I have no idea how you call them in English... in German they are called "Schneeglocken"- snowbells.
I got an early birthday-present from my family- new colour-pencils from "Caran d'Ache". Looks like someone read my blog... I have already colour-pencils from the same company but they are a bit different. This should now give a push that I will start to draw again some more...

Tomorrow we will go to the mountains. My parents built a new chalet in Lenk where they already had an apartment for years. I am curious how it looks. And I hope that there will be some snow to enjoy.


vervlogen dagen said…
It's good to hear you're feeling better now! And those caran d'aches,girl what a nice present that is!
Na zum Glück geht es Dir schon besser! Diese ewigen Erkältungen... Mein Mann hat schon wieder eine aufgeschnappt - ich hoffe ich bleibe diesmal verschont! Genießt die Berge! Alles Liebe! Eri
Liebe Rahel, hab' auf einem anderen Blog zufällig gelesen, was Schneeglöckchen auf englisch heißt... Alos falls es Dich interessiert: Snowdrop
Anne said…
Hallo Rahel,

sorry für die späte Antwort. Vielen Dank für das Dampfnudelrezept. Einen Blog aus Israel kannte ich auch noch nicht. Ich geh mal ein bisschen bei dir stöbern.


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