reading arrow

My biggest one is learning to read. I remembered this little helper from when I was in 1st class and started to read. The arrow points into the direction you read (In case of Hebrew from right to left). When you move with the arrow along the line you can slowly read each letter (or word) without getting all mixed up with the lines and letters...

This whole my-daughter-is-learning-to-read-thing is a bit weird for me, since I learned Hebrew only around 10 years ago as a grown up. I do try to help her and it's still easy, but since I am many times unsure of how to write things my helping-abilities are limited...

On the other way it's a good thing for me too. Maybe my Hebrew writing-skills will get better too :-)


Liebe Rahel,
endlich bin ich wieder mal bei dir :-)
Den Lesepfeil kenn ich auch ;-)
Bin ja auch vom Fach ...
Ich sollte ihn viellicht mal Ella zeigen.
Sie liest nämlich inzwischen auch schon recht begeistert.
Ganz liebe Grüße
nach Israel

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