on the earth piles

Yesterday after the day-care I went with the girls to the earth piles on the edge of the kibbutz. Altough it was hot and humid we had a fun time and it was much better than staying at home. They baked some earth-cakes, digged and made small hills and jumped from the piles.

"I am warm...."


SĆ¼ĆŸe Bilder! Nur warum gibt es so groƟe ErdhĆ¼gel bei Euch im Kibbutz?
Liebe GrĆ¼ĆŸe! Eri
rahel said…
Liebe Eri,
Das ist hauptsaechlich Erde, die die Gaertner brauchen.
nic said…
beautiful. i love the airborne photo!
vervlogen dagen said…
Happy pictures! By the way, was your strike helpful?
rahel said…
hmmm- the strike helped in some way- now only time will tell. Thanks for asking!

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