creative weekend

On Friday I had time to finish the dresses for the girls- now they will be able to wear them for Shavuot (Jewish harvest festival). For Neomi it had to be very twirly- so for the lowest stripe of the dress I had to use almost 4.5 meters of Fabric! Helen's is a bit less twirly and with my button-maker I made matching buttons. Maybe I will even make matching ponytail holders.

Saturday was a nice day. I got to paint the boards for the stage for the Shavuot festivities. I am not finished yet so I will go back to paint after work. It was nice to be creative, to have people pop in every now and then to take a look, give comments, gossip and supply me with cherries and water. And in the basement was a rehearsal so I even had nice music to listen to.
I will also participate in the dance- this is always fun too.
On Tuesday evening we will have a Shavuot-dinner- traditionally a dinner with loads of cheese - no meat on this holiday (well- this is no problem at all for me, since I don't eat a lot of meat anyway). So in the next days I will be busy with painting, rehearsals, baking and cooking.

On Saturday I had also a nice siesta- sitting outside underneath the pergola with the grapes and passion-fruits, reading my book and drinking a ice-coffee. Helen was sleeping and Neomi played something for herself. I love those peaceful moments.


Liebe Rahel, wunderschöne Kleider sind das!! Meine Mama hat auch für uns immer genäht, als wir klein waren! Ich habe es geliebt, ihre wunderschönen Kleidchen und Röcke zu tragen. Auch jetzt näht sie noch manchmal etwas für uns ;-) Alles Liebe und viel Spaß bei Eurem Fest!
Darcy said…
I love those peaceful moments too! Beautiful dresses! I wish I could sew.

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