some paper stuff
We will soon fly to Switzerland. To make the trip shorter, keep the girls a bit occupied and get them something to remember the holidays I usually make them small journals. I print some pages- colouring pages and other things- and also leave many pages just empty. The girls can draw or glue things inside (post cards, train tickets....)- this time I also want to make some kind of diary with Neomi and write down with her, what we did and what she liked- we'll see how she will cooperate.
I usually just fold the pages in half, sew them together in the middle and sew them to the cover.
Another thing I made last week and ever since Neomi wants to play all the time: pantomime cards. I printed cards with all kinds of different things. One needs to take a card and pantomime- the others need to figure out what is on the card. I took only quite simple things for the beginning.