Some more pictures from our trip to the Golan Heights. My parents flew back to Switzerland but a month from now we will go and visit them there. Then I will also see my sisters again and - what i look foreward to the most: my niece. She's now two and a half months old and I am so curious to get to know her!
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog! I've paid 'Paint the Moon'a visit! By the way, the Caran d'Ache Luminance(they're Swiss, I think) are really fine! The colors are very intense and 'heavy'. Maybe they are cheaper in Switzerland! How nice to see your family again so soon.
Liebe Rahel, es ist schön, deine Bilder anzuschauen. Auf den Golan-Höhen hab ich meine erste Schlange gesehen :-) Allerdings war sie schon tot. Liebe Grüße nach Israel Melanie
es ist schön, deine Bilder anzuschauen. Auf den Golan-Höhen hab ich meine erste Schlange gesehen :-) Allerdings war sie schon tot.
Liebe Grüße nach Israel