handmade booties

My sister Sara made for Helen wonderful lion-booties. They are so cute and I admire her for being such a good knitter. The booties are knitted and then felted. Last year Neomi got pig-booties from her and they still fit her- she loves them.

We got more lovely handmade presents- about some of them I will post in the comming days.


vervlogen dagen said…
They are adorable. Happy New Year
polwig said…
I want a pair they are so cute... You think I can fit in the piggie ones, just kidding :)
So adorable, your sister is so creative!
These are so fun- I'd wear slippers all day!
You are both so talented.

Your girls must love these...heirlooms for sure.
Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy new year Rahel.
rahel said…
Petra, Kathy and Camilla- thanks a lot for your nice comments. I indeed need to ask my sister to make a pair for myself... maybe crocodile-booties...
You are right - they are really cute! Sweet little lions ;-)
Best wishes!
Wow, das ist aber eine tolle Arbeit! Eine fleißige Schwester hast du :-)

Liebe Grüße!
Nora (die sich jetzt mal bei dir genauer umsieht :-) !!)
rahel said…
Danke Erika und Nora fuer euren netten Komentare- ich werde das Lob an meine Schwester weiterleiten.

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