salt dough

A while ago Kathy posted on her blog about working with salt-dough- that reminded me of my childhood when we made exactly the same thing. I made salt-dough with Neomi the other day. It is fast made, you can form it easily (we made beads and some other decoration with cookie-cutters), bake it and paint it afterwards.

To make the dough mix:
1 cup of flour (I mixed half a cup of flour and half a cup of corn-flour)
1 cup of salt
8-10 tablespoons of water

form and place on baking paper. Make holes before baking in case you want to use the "cookies" as decoration. Heat the oven to 150 degrees celsius (300 degrees farenheit)
Bake for approx. 40 minutes

The ornaments will last forever. We used to make decoration for the christmas-tree like this as kids and they still exist at my parents place.


How fun!
I remember making this with my mom, when I was little. Especially for Christmas ornaments.

...I know some little hands in this house who would love to do this.
A great week Rahel.
vervlogen dagen said…
My youngest son is sick, but not too serious. This might just be what he's up for today. (I remember making hair with a garlic press...)
Liebe Rahel,
ich hab als Kind immer Salzteig geformt, gebacken und bemalt, wenn ich bei meiner Tante im Urlaub war :-) Ich fand das auch klasse! Wenn meine Maus mal ein bisschen größer ist, werden wir das sicher auch ausprobieren!
Wo ungefähr befindet sich eigentlich der Kibbutz, in dem du wohnst?
Liebe Grüße nach Israel
polwig said…
Thank you so much for the mention... your beads look so cute... I think salt dough is a universal European pass time with the kiddos.
rahel said…
Ich wohne im Kibbutz Dalia- der ist suedlich von Haifa, in der Naehe von Yoqne'am.
Ich habe mir vorgenommen bald etwas mehr ueber den Kibbutz und das Kibbutz-leben zu schreiben... bin momentan am recherchieren.
ariana. said…
Oh, these are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing them and for stopping by my little blog too! I hope this finds you all well! a

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