persian buttercup

The anemones in our garden slowly disapear but now the persian buttercups are starting to bloom. I think they are even more beautiful than the anemones. They are not fully open yet.
Today we will celebrate my father in law's birthday. He is turning 70 today. I made with Neomi some cookies. Of course she was more interested in licking all the sugar perls from her hands :o)

I wanted to go to Dalyat-el-Ruha to make some pictures for my history-series of the Kibbutz... but I don't have the time and I really need to clean up our home. maybe I will just post it without pictures.


Rahel said…
Wunderschöne Bilder!
Liebe Rahel,
danke für deinen Besserungswünsche!
Wir werden uns schnell bessern ;-)

Ja, ja die Zuckerperlen! Die haben's meiner Maus auch angetan! Glückwunsch an deinen Schwiegervater!

Die Ranunkel in eurem Garten blühen schon? Toll!

Liebe Grüße
a beautiful name for those beautiful flowers!! those cookies look yummie :-)

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