back home again
Since Tuesday we are back home again. And finally I get my hands on the computer- trying to sort out all the pictures we made, checking all my personal e-mails and reading all the posts on other blogs I missed...
So we are back after 2 weeks enjoying my family and the luxury of:
- a warm and nicely tiled bathroom that is not flooded after taking a shower
- a roomy kitchen with light in the right places and a dish-washer
- warm rooms heated with a central heating system and -even better- cozy fires
- having always someone around to help with the girls
- sleeping a little bit longer in the mornings (well... maybe 20 minutes more)
- fresh, clean, cold air
- 2 days skiing
- eating good cheese and bread
But it is also nice to be back home- to go outside without having to wear thick jackets and hats and mittens and shawls. The garden is full of anemones and everything is so green. To come back to a much younger society and much more relaxed people (although generally ruder) is also nice.
Helen seems so big now- she walks alone to wherever she pleases, understands everything I say and babbles a lot.
Neomi is using more Swiss-german words and was happy to see her friends again and she loves the book I bought her: Pippi Langstrumpf (Pippi Longstocking). Astrid Lindgren was such a gifted writer.
Now we already have weekend again- just perfect! :o)